Techbro Handbook 😎

The reference guide of techbros, by techbros, and for techbros. Whether you are a wannabe techbro or a seasoned one, you will surely find something amusing here :)

Latest Tech Drama

MKBHD's Wallpaper App

MKBHD's Wallpaper App

Why pay for Netflix when you can... stare at pixels?

WordPress Banning WP Engine

WordPress Banning WP Engine

It's like WordPress just kicked WP Engine out of the party and then spilled punch all over their shirt.

Mira Murati Leaves OpenAI

Mira Murati Leaves OpenAI

When your boss leaves and you realize you have to do the work.

OpenAI to Restructure from Non-Profit to For-Profit

OpenAI to Restructure from Non-Profit to For-Profit

Because who needs altruism when you can have a yacht?

Got a story that could make even the most serious tech bro chuckle? Click here to drop it

Starter Pack



Daily Soap Opera for techbros.

Elon Musk

Elon Musk

The real-life Tony Stark who tweets like a teenager.

Huberman Labs Podcast

Huberman Lab

Where science meets the art of sleep deprivation.

Zero to One

Zero to One

A book that teaches you how to create a monopoly... legally.

Blind App


The app where tech workers spill the beans anonymously.

Product Hunt

Product Hunt

The place where products go to launch into oblivion.

Golden Gate Bridge

Golden Gate Bridge

The bridge that connects tech bros to their dreams.

Rock Climbing

Rock Climbing

The only time tech workers come close to touching grass.



The secret society of tech wizards plotting world domination.


The more you fck around, the more you find out

The law of the startup jungle: mess around and your runway vanishes.

Angel Invest

When a rich person gives your startup just enough money to survive but not enough to succeed.

Seed Round

The stage where you convince investors that your idea is worth more than just a cute baby plant.


Where free swag and overpriced coffee meet awkward networking.


When Sam Altman is your spirit animal, and ChatGPT is your bestie.

Wartime CEO

When a CEO wears a turtleneck and starts tweeting like a general.

Specific Knowledge

The kind of knowledge that makes you sound smart at parties but is useless in real life.

The Bay

A magical land where tech dreams come true and rent prices make you cry.


The techbro pilgrimage from office to coffee shop, all in the name of “clear thinking.”


The monthly reminder that your startup is still alive… and that you have to pay people.


When your code is held together by duct tape, but you call it a “scalable infrastructure.”


The noble cause you tell investors about while secretly just trying to make a quick buck.

System Design

The art of overcomplicating everything, but it looks good on a whiteboard.


Not the oil company, but your 'business plan' that’s mostly just a PowerPoint with pretty pictures.


The ultimate philosophical Twitter guru you pretend to understand.


Not just a zodiac sign; it’s also the name of your startup’s latest AI project that’s probably overhyped.

SF sucks

Complaining about SF while still paying $4,000 a month for a studio apartment.

We’re so back

When your startup didn’t die yet, so you tweet like you’re crushing it.


The outdoor activity that tech bros do to pretend they’re not glued to their screens. The Valley’s only real sport, besides angel investing.

How will you make money?

The question that haunts every founder at 2 AM.


Giving your code away for free and then waiting for someone else to fix it.


A cool name for a startup that sounds like it’s doing something important, but who knows?


The organization that’s making AI so smart, it might just outsmart you.

Golden Gate Bridge

Instagram backdrop for every tech bro who thinks they’re the next Steve Jobs.

User Flow

The reason your app is confusing, but it’s “innovative” so no one minds.


Making sure your logo looks great, even if your product doesn’t work.


When you spend more time tweeting about building than actually building.


Trick people into wanting what they didn’t know they needed.


The process of making your product sound fancier than it really is.

Customer Service

The part of your company you hope to never have to deal with.


The brave souls who cold-call and sell your dream before it even exists.


An AI model or a farm animal? Either way, it's trending.

Venture Capital

Fancy people giving you money and then pretending they knew you’d succeed all along.

Stay alive

The startup mantra that means 'don’t run out of cash before your next funding round.'


Content Management System, aka the thing that makes your blog look pretty.


Gaming Google so your company comes up first when people search “best startup ever.”

Fort Mason

Where you go to convince investors you're serious about climate change while sipping organic coffee.

South Park Commons

It’s not just a park. It’s where ex-FAANG folks pretend they’re not rich yet.


A fancy term for connecting language models, or just a buzzword to impress your friends.

Google Meet

The thing you use when Zoom gets boring, but still doesn’t work right.


Doing everything humanly possible to avoid being called a “lifestyle business.”

What’s the use case?

Code for “Is this startup actually useful or are we all pretending?”

Theil Fellow

A badge of honor for young entrepreneurs who are too cool for traditional education.


A group of people who are all trying to figure out this startup thing together.


Monitoring your app’s downfall in real time.

Fitness SF

The gym where tech bros go to lift weights and their egos.


The magic that allows your app to talk to other apps, like a tech bro’s gossip circle.

The Residency

A program where startups go to grow, like a tech version of a summer camp.


Where your team builds the future while also forgetting they’re on mute.


The process of making decisions that often involves a lot of guesswork.

NYC is better

The classic rivalry between tech hubs, usually said by someone who’s never been to SF.


Not just the baseball team, but also the companies that everyone wants to be like.

Nob Hill

Where tech bros try to convince themselves it’s “not that expensive.”


A place where you can build your dreams, or at least a mediocre app.


Key Performance Indicator, or the numbers you show to make it look like you’re doing well.


Your app is so exclusive that nobody can use it yet.


The processes that make your life easier, or just another way to complicate things.


Hipster territory where startups rise and rents rise faster.

What’s your ICP?

Ideal Customer Profile, or the person you wish would buy your product.


The gym where tech bros go to work out and pretend they’re not just there for the selfies.

Replit Agent

The AI buddy that helps you code, so you can spend more time on Twitter.


Engineering, Product, Design—basically the holy trinity of startup success.

Z Fellows

The cool kids in the startup world who get to hang out and share secrets.


The plan for your startup, usually drawn on a napkin after a few drinks.


The power to make decisions, or just a fancy way to say 'I’m in charge.'

High Agency

The ability to take control of your life, or just a buzzword to impress investors.


Average Revenue Per user, or the number that makes you feel good about your business.


The big companies that you dream of selling to, but they’re usually too busy.


Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment, or the techie way of saying 'keep it flowing.'


Financial District, where tech bros go to pretend they’re Wall Street traders.

Digital Clone

The virtual version of yourself that’s way cooler than the real you.


The AI genius who makes you feel like you know nothing about tech.


Open Document Format, or the file type that no one really cares about.


Customer Acquisition Cost, or the amount you spend to convince someone to buy your product.


The meetings that could have been emails, but everyone loves to hear themselves talk.

10x engineer

The mythical creature who can code ten times faster than everyone else—usually just a myth.

Founder Mode

The state of mind where you believe you can conquer the world with your startup.


The cool neighborhood where all the tech magic happens, and the coffee is always strong.

AL Girlfriend

The AI companion that’s always there for you, even when your real friends aren’t.


The AI that can write better than you, and it doesn’t even need coffee breaks.

AL Assistant

The virtual helper that makes you feel like you’re living in the future.

In the arena

The phrase that means you’re actually doing something instead of just talking about it.


The social network where everyone is a 'thought leader' and 'disruptor.'

Cold email

The art of reaching out to strangers in hopes they’ll magically want to work with you.

Cold dms

The direct messages you send to people you don’t know, hoping for a response.


The place where tech dreams go to die, or just a really nice city in Canada.

The platform that makes scheduling meetings feel like a game of Tetris.


The app that helps you throw parties, because who doesn’t want to be the life of the tech party?


The evaluations that make you question your life choices, usually after a long day.


The tool that generates code for you, so you can spend more time on Twitter.

Let’s catch up

The phrase you use when you want to network but don’t really care about their life.


The compliance standard that makes your startup look legit, even if it’s just a front.

AWS Credits

The free money you get to spend on cloud services, usually just enough to keep you afloat.


The art of convincing people to give you money for your 'brilliant' idea.


The free money that feels like winning the lottery, but with a lot of paperwork.


The startup version of 'let’s get this party started!'

Sentry errors

The notifications that remind you your code is not as perfect as you thought.

Garry Tan

The tech investor who’s probably seen more pitches than you’ve had hot dinners.


The mysterious figure in the tech world, often referenced but rarely seen.

I’m rate limited

The excuse you use when you can’t do something because the universe is against you.

Talk to users

The advice that sounds simple but usually leads to a lot of awkward conversations.


The neighborhood where tech bros go to feel edgy, but mostly just end up confused.

VC Brags

The tales of venture capitalists that make you question your life choices.


The tech mogul who’s either a genius or a madman, depending on the day.

Idea Guy

The person who has a million ideas but never actually builds anything.


Large Language Models, or the AI that can write better than you on your best day.

SF is different

The phrase you use to justify your love for a city that’s both amazing and infuriating.

O1 Visa

The golden ticket for foreign tech talent to work in the U.S., usually with a lot of red tape.


The magic that happens in data centers, where numbers dance and dreams are made.


Product-Market Fit, or the moment when your product finally finds its soulmate.


Version zero, or the first draft of your startup that’s probably more of a rough sketch.


The self-driving car company that’s trying to make your Uber rides obsolete.

AI Race

The competition to create the smartest AI, where everyone hopes to be the tortoise, not the hare.

Voice Agent

The AI that talks back to you, usually with more sass than your best friend.


Business-to-Consumer, or how you sell your product to the average Joe.


The tool that makes sure your tasks run on time, unlike your last relationship.


The moment when you realize your original idea was terrible and you need a new one.


The trendy product that everyone is talking about, but no one really understands.


The company that makes your gaming rig run like a dream and your AI models train faster.


The place where all your data goes to live, like a digital retirement home.


The blueprint for your AI, or just a fancy way to say 'I have a plan.'


The fruit that’s now a trendy name for a startup—because tech needs more fruit names.


The act of digging deep into a topic, or just a fancy way to procrastinate.


The social network where everyone shares their best moments, but you only see the highlights.

There’s a unique energy here

The phrase you use when you want to sound profound but really just mean 'it’s busy.'


The badge of honor for those who left school to chase their startup dreams.


The startup accelerator that’s basically a rite of passage for tech founders.


The virtual assistant that’s always ready to help, even if it doesn’t understand your sarcasm.


The brain of your computer, or the reason your laptop gets hot when you’re gaming.


The method of combining retrieval and generation, or just a fancy way to say 'I Googled it.'

Locked In

The feeling you get when you’re committed to a project, even if it’s a sinking ship.


The state of constant change, or just how your startup feels every day.


The AI model that’s trying to be the next big thing, but still needs a little more training.


The little arrow that helps you navigate your digital life, or just a reminder that you’re still working.


The thing that stands in the way of your progress, usually a bug or a bad decision.

AI Tinkerers

The folks who love to play with AI models like they’re toys.

Fireside chat

The casual conversation that makes you feel like you’re in a cozy living room, but really it’s just a conference.

Four batches a year

The startup equivalent of 'we only meet on weekends,' but for funding.

Coffee chat

The casual meeting where you pretend to discuss business while really just enjoying caffeine.

Prompt engineering

The art of asking AI the right questions, or just trying to sound smart.

Stay in touch

The phrase you use when you want to keep someone on your radar without any real commitment.


The series of steps that make your project flow smoothly, or just a fancy way to say 'to-do list.'


The people who turn coffee into code, often while wearing hoodies.

Apple Intelligence

The secret sauce that makes your iPhone smarter than you.

Quick Call

The meeting that’s supposed to be short but somehow turns into a marathon.


The place where all your web apps live, like a digital apartment complex.

Billion dollar seed round

The dream funding round that makes you feel like a tech rockstar.


The rate at which customers leave your service, or how fast you can say 'goodbye.'

She’s real bro

The phrase you use to convince yourself that your AI assistant is actually sentient.


The URL that reminds you that your app is still in development, and not ready for the world.

It’s a wrapper

The tech equivalent of saying 'it’s not you, it’s me.'


The new oil, or just a bunch of numbers that you hope make sense.

Too many B2B opportunities

The phrase you use when you’re overwhelmed by potential clients and don’t know where to start.


The AI that helps you code, so you can finally stop Googling everything.

I got robbed

The phrase you use when your startup idea gets stolen, or when you just lost a bet.


Go-To-Market strategy, or how you plan to convince the world to love your product.


The app that keeps your team connected, or just another way to procrastinate.


The type of AI that creates things, like art, music, or excuses for why you’re late.


The platform where gamers and tech enthusiasts gather to chat and share memes.

Keep shipping

The mantra that reminds you to keep releasing updates, even if they’re not perfect.


The moment when you try to convince someone that your idea is the next big thing.

AI as default

The idea that every product should have AI, even if it doesn’t need it.

LLM bot

The chatbot that’s powered by a large language model, and probably knows more than you do.


The tool that promises to make your coding life easier, or just another shiny distraction.

Brian Chesky

The guy who turned spare rooms into a billion-dollar business, and probably has a great Airbnb story.


The app that tracks your runs and makes you feel guilty for skipping leg day.


The scenic area where tech bros go to unwind, usually with a view of the water.

Jensen Huang

The tech visionary who makes GPUs and dreams come true.


The graphics card that makes your games look amazing and your AI models train faster.

Rock Climbing

The sport that tech bros do to prove they’re adventurous, even if they’re really just scared of heights.


The ultimate comeback on social media, usually when someone’s tweet gets more engagement than yours.


The tech mogul who’s either changing the world or just trying to sell you ads.

AGI House

The place where the future of AI is being discussed, or just a really cool tech hangout.

Run Club

The group that runs together, usually while discussing their latest startup ideas.

I’m moving back to sf

The phrase you use when you realize you can’t escape the tech scene, no matter how hard you try.


The digital diary of your app, where all the good and bad decisions are recorded.

I went to school in boston

The humble brag that lets everyone know you’re educated, but not necessarily in tech.

Web Automation

The process of making your browser do all the boring stuff for you, like a digital butler.


The numbers that tell you how well you’re doing, or just a way to justify your existence.


The phonebook of the internet, making sure you get to the right website without getting lost.

What important truth do very few people agree with you on?

The question that makes you rethink your entire existence, usually asked at networking events.

Got a buzzword that's cooler than a tech bro's hoodie? Click here to drop it